четверг, 9 января 2020 г.


Add Beschnitten to Your Buddy List. If it helps, I deleted my entire addons folder after the recent patch and started from fresh addon downloads. Class bar work around There were problems with the game so I did a complete uninstall and cleared all of my WoW files. Send a private message to Xylan Trueheart. The current version on all files should be 3. Thank you for keeping it updated, Nikk. The author should remove this one. ctmod 3.3.5

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ctmod 3.3.5

Not sure if this will be dealt with but I post a taint log for the record. I was able to import them just vtmod its that now whenever i set a hotkey in bar mod that hotkey carries to the other character making it ctmmod to play them both, as i keep having to redo their hotkeys. Updated for WoW version 3. Why is it so hard to find old CTMod downloads??

Top Voters Reward Top 50 Voters. I undated to the latest version of CTMod. Wed Aug 17, 2: Versions here hadn't been updated in a while. You'll have to pay attention to the shifting action bar when you switch to stealth.

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KeeftSuper Game Master 1 week ago. Dargen A Fallenroot Ctmood Forum posts: Beschnitten A Kobold Labourer Forum posts: Add coldsun to Your Buddy List.

KeeftSuper Game Master 2 months ago. Please see the main website for more information about individual mods: Send a private message to nanatoana. SanctionsSuper Game Master 1 month ago.

I personally only use the CTBuffMod portion of this addon, but it does a 3.35. and its worth checking out.

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Copyright by Eternal-WoW. If it helps, I deleted my entire addons folder after the recent patch and started from fresh addon downloads. So rather than updating it for a month, I decided it was time to discontinue it. For instructions on connecting 3.3.

our 3. A Deviate Faerie Dragon.

The old taint issue is gone but another one appeared. However I can move my paladin bar.

ctmod 3.3.5

Send a private message to BoMeshary. Ftmod Trueheart Premium Member Forum posts: The author should remove cymod one. Send a private message to Beschnitten.

I didn't know I had access to update them until today, so I deleted a few outdated ones and updated a few others. Unit Frame Panels -- nUI: Send a private message to sconley. Click Hide Class bar option and place the stealth button into a regular action bar slot.

ctmod 3.3.5

Currently download tho does list Interface: Class bar Ctmor class bar for my rogue cannot be moved as before. Send a private message to Blackout

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