Though this blog sometimes seems to fixate upon the biggest and bounciest of Ghetto breaks and hip-hop , there is a softer, gentler, more cuddly side to your humble blogger, and the new Jesse Futerman EP is definitely appealing to it. You are commenting using your WordPress. It be great for downtime or transitions during songs. Notify me of new posts via email. Your current browser isn't compatible with SoundCloud.
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Welcome to my digital equivalent of b Baker St.
Jesse Futerman – Fuse the Witches / Super Basement Free EPs! – Generation Bass
Though this blog sometimes seems to fixate upon the biggest and bounciest of Ghetto breaks and hip-hopthere is a softer, gentler, more cuddly side to your humble blogger, and the new Jesse Futerman EP is definitely appealing to it. Will be spreading the gospel once this is released. I have a new sideproject to show u when ur witcges in toronto! You are commenting using your Facebook account.
What Have I Got? Sherlock Ohms's Blog Investigating the finest in funksoulhiphopreggaebreakybasswobble for your listening pleasure. Let's not forget the Stine Supreme By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. futeeman

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Here you'll find links to my sets and shows, and upcoming gigs that I'm playing. Whether it's early morning chilled wig outs, or eclectic party starting beat fests there's a reason they call him 'No Shit Sherlock' View all posts by djsherlockohms.
Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: I'd like to thank my family, friends, and collaborators, without whom my music would not exist, as well my label manager Gavin for always believing in me and giving me a platform from which to reach you. This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 22nd, at Notify me of new posts via email. Something went wrong Is your network connection unstable or browser outdated?
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Jesse Futerman – Fuse The Witches [EP]
You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2. Welcome Welcome to my digital equivalent of b Baker St.
Obsessive music nerd for since his formative years, Sherlock Ohms finally pulled his finger out and started inflicting his collection of Funk, Soul, Hip-hop, Reggae, Breaks, Beats and random ephemera on the unwitting public in mid Please download one of our supported browsers. Where can someone get a download of this?
You are commenting using thr Twitter account. It be great for downtime or transitions during songs.
I wait impatiently the 4 Juneand it will be great to make a vinyl version of this beautiful EP!!! Email required Address never tne public. I'll also be posting reviews, and other bits and bobs that catch my eye so if you've got a new tune, an interesting night, or just want to say hello, you can get hold of me at dj sherlockohms.
Fucking beautifull vibes dude! Your current browser isn't compatible with SoundCloud. You are commenting using your Google account.
Chrome Firefox Safari Internet Explorer. Futfrman are commenting using your WordPress.
This site uses cookies. Investigating the finest in funksoulhiphopreggaebreakybasswobble for your listening pleasure. I hope you enjoy listening to this EP as much as I enjoyed making it.
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